I graduated from Parker Chiropractic College in Dallas, Texas in December 2000. I have been studying and practicing chiropractic and various bodywork modalities since 1997.
I have always been curious about the body, natural health, and human potential.
I have achieved certifications in Network Spinal Analysis, Torque Release Technique, Access Enhanced Perception Training and Zero Balancing.
I also have extensive experience in Percussion Vibration Technique, Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) and various forms of CranioSacral Therapy.
My personal experience with self-care includes the practices of chi gong, mindfulness meditation, continuum movement and HeartMath Institute’s heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback.
In the realm of Energy, I have studied with Mietek Wirkus – one of the world’s most researched and studied energy healers. I have also completed training in the Syntara Energy Healing System in Santa Cruz with gifted healer, Gitanjali Hemp.
Working with both structure (sail) and energy (wind) allows a gentle movement to naturally occur in a person’s life … like taking out the slack of the sail and helping it to catch the wind for smooth sailing.
As far as helping people fill their nutritional gaps, I have been studying and providing applied clinical nutrition through muscle testing since 2013, mainly Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) and Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT).
My approach to healing offers a fusion of 20 years of personal and clinical experience stemming from vitalistic and neurology-based chiropractic. Common elements and principles fundamental to a variety of long-standing healing practices continue to be a deep passion of mine and continue to serve an ongoing curiosity.
Through the years, I’ve been asked what it is exactly that I do. I’ve since created a name to emphasize all my training and inspiration. I call my unique approach to healing ChiroSomatics.
My sessions are thorough, gentle and effective. Common feedback from clients includes feeling release of tension and pain, improvement in grounding, balance and mobility, alleviation of stress, amplification of calm and expanded states of awareness.
Since 2001, I have been involved in Dr. Robert Weigand’s “Get Access Workshop” assisting doctors and students to upgrade their inner operating system through sensory enhancement training.
I am currently a Life Chiropractic College West (LCCW) postgraduate faculty member. I co-teach chiropractors and students with my mentors Drs. Bruce Lipton and Jeff Rockwell. Our seminars, titled “Engaging the Science of Vitalism: Embodying the Biology of Belief in Chiropractic Practice and in Life”, empower personal growth, enhance participant’s touch skills and offer a deepened connection to one’s self in relation to the greater whole.